Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak
It’s a relatively different experience being away and reading the news of SARS of 2003, versus being around the vicinity when this Wuhan virus outbreak is occurring. The level of awareness of being “Yeah, I heard it from the news”, vs being bombarded with numbers and the authorities telling you what to do on the broadcasting medium daily, just feels different.
Understandably, there’s a bit of fear going around, with news (and misinformation) going around people on instant messaging, between stories of pandemonia in China, stories of masks (and groceries) being emptied of shelves, and videos of hysterical scenes, (unknown) medical personnel coming out accusing of the PRC government falsifying actual infection/fatalty numbers, it’s not entirely clear what the real situation is.
But whatever the case, the main idea is that if you stay away from crowds, generally you’ll be unaffected from the situation (in Singapore). As time of writing, there’s 4 known cases, all from Wuhan residents, and no infection to any locals so far, and the 4th case was from 3 days ago. Should the person had infected someone, the numbers should have been detected today. So at the moment, it’s ‘so far so good’
Botero Statues
So I showed The Girlfriend pictures of sculptures, and she exclaimed, “Is that Botero?!"
I didn’t realise (1) I’ve seen similar sculptures in Barcelona before, (2) they are all rounded like balls.
Well, I’ll have to pay attention to more rotund women sculptures in the future!